Top 10 Reasons Employers Need an Employee Handbook. Make it Your New Year’s Resolution to Adopt an Employee Handbook or Update Your Existing Handbook for Workplace Success.
In short, the Groff decision changed the legal landscape, making it more difficult for employers to deny requests religious accommodations. A de minimis increase in costs no longer constitutes an undue hardship and employers will need to accommodate requests unless there are “substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business.”
According to the Fish and Wildlife Department, the past several years have seen an increase in bear incidents, with high numbers of bear home break-ins, and two bear attacks in 2022, apparently due to a “healthy black bear population learning to associate people and food over multiple generations.”
On February 22, 2023 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that in some cases, even already highly compensated employees are required by law to receive overtime pay.
The Vermont House of Representatives recently introduced H66, a bill that would create a twelve week per year fully paid family medical leave insurance program.